Product Description: Epoxy resin based, two compenant, reaction drying epoxy resin based finishing paint cured with poyamide hardener.
PROPERTİES: Perfect adhesion to metal sheet, galvanized and aluminium surfaces.Used on any wood,metal and mineral surfaces exposed to water, seawater,chemicals and corrosion.Provides very good performance in applications of general industry, machine manufacturing, protection of metal and marine applications.
SPECIFICATIONS: Colour: See katalog Gloss 60min 90 gloss Density ıg/cm3.
APPLICATION: Coverage7-8m2/1kg paint +hardener. Applıcatıon Temperature5C-40C 6 Drying time.Touch dry 5 hours The time needed between coats is minimum 24 hours.Chemical resistance is reached in 7 days.
RECOMMENDED APPLICATION: All surface Preperation: If to be applıed on unprimed surfaces: Surface must be free of oil and dirt and should be sanded before applıcaton.Metal surfaces must be sanded at least at grade Sa1/2 and primed with epoxy anticorrosive primer(4-6) hours. If to beapplied on painted surfaces loose and swelled parts on previously painted surfaces should be removed.In orderto create a uniform and leveled surface it should be filled and sanded with an epoxy putty. All surfaces should be cleaned of dusts. Apllication Afer Mixing the two components at given ratio wait for 30 minutes before application.Surface temperature should be at les10 C. Application should not be done around dew point between 2-5C. Applied with conventional air pistol.The air pressure should be 3-4 bar and the calibre should be 1,4-1,6 mm or for small area can be applied with brush or roller. Check for formation of bubbles when applied with a roller, and slightly spread with soft long haired brush.
STORAGE CONDİTİONS : Should be stored in closed pack without being exposed to direct sunlight.The ambient temperature while storage should be between 5-35 C Keep pack closed when not in use.Preserve againts freezing.Storage stability.1Y yerar flash poing 23 C remaks. Leep out of reach of children.Keep away from sourves of ignition-No smoking.Do not breathe gas/fumes/vapour/spray.